Pregnancy calendar and EDD calculator
Calculate expected birth date and show me pregnancy calendar
Expected date of childbirth: December 2, 2025 - the date based on the following data: the first day of your last menstrual period is 2/25/2025, and the average length of the menstrual cycle 28 days
Possible child's conception date: 3/7/2025-3/13/2025
Beginning of second trimester: 6/3/2025
First time fetal movement 6/24/2025 - if is not your first baby
First time fetal movement 7/15/2025 - if you are expecting your first baby
Beginning of third trimester: 9/2/2025
Expected date of delivery (EDD): 12/2/2025
There are currently 4 weeks pregnant.
See pregnancy calendar
- first day of your last menstrual period |
- ovulation - the most probable day of conception |
- fertile days - the probable period of conception |
- beginning of second trimester |
- beginning of third trimester |
- end of the third trimester of pregnancy, the expected date of childbirth |
The results serve as information and we do not guarantee 100% accuracy. Remember that pregnancy should be under the care of a qualified gynecologist.